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MOL Obtains AiP for “LNG Carrier Installing Wind Challenger”

TOKYO – Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL), under the leadership of President and CEO Takeshi Hashimoto, has made a groundbreaking advancement in the maritime industry. The company recently received an approval in principle (AiP) from Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) for their innovative design of a membrane LNG carrier equipped with Wind Challenger technology. This approval is a world-first for an LNG carrier featuring a wind-assisted propulsion system.

The design, a collaborative effort between MOL and Hanwha Ocean Co., Ltd., led by CEO and Vice Chairman Kwon Hyek Woong, represents a significant step forward in maritime engineering. The LNG carrier, which boasts a cargo tank capacity of 174,000 cubic meters, is equipped with two Wind Challenger sails, allowing it to enter LNG terminals worldwide. The detailed design phase is currently underway, with MOL having ordered the carrier from Hanwha Ocean.

Achieving this AiP was no small feat. MOL, Hanwha Ocean, and ClassNK undertook a comprehensive risk assessment that scrutinized numerous factors including sail placement, visibility impact, and emergency operation procedures. Safety measures were meticulously evaluated to ensure the vessel’s operational integrity. Additionally, Gaztransport et Technigaz SA (GTT), the designer of the vessel’s cargo tank, conducted a thorough assessment of the structural impact of the sail installation. GTT’s confirmation of the tank’s structural safety played a crucial role in securing the AiP.

MOL’s commitment to sustainability is evident in their mid-to-long-term target of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. This goal is part of the “MOL Group Environmental Vision 2.2.” A key strategy within this vision involves the introduction of clean energy and the development of energy-saving technologies. By 2030, MOL aims to launch 25 vessels equipped with Wind Challenger technology, expanding to 80 vessels by 2035.

This initiative underscores MOL’s dedication to reducing GHG emissions and promoting decarbonization not only within its fleet but across the entire maritime industry. Through the integration of wind propulsion technology, MOL is setting a new standard for environmentally friendly fleet management and efficient operations.

As the maritime industry continues to evolve, MOL’s pioneering efforts with the Wind Challenger reflect a significant move towards a more sustainable future. The approval in principle for this LNG carrier is not just a win for MOL, but a landmark achievement for the entire sector.

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