LETTER TO THE EDITOR | Bringing Breakbulk Together
Do you want to share something with the industry? Then write the next "Letter To The Editor" to editor@breakbulk.news
Exclusive Interview: Lars Rolner’s Position is Positively Uplifting
Lars Rolner, Managing Director of United Shipping Group, talks exclusively and openly to Joanne Kelleher of BBN. Challenges “Challenges? No challenges.” In a time when there seems to be only…
Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Well-Being and Crew Changes
Dear Editor, Human rights apply at sea, as they do on land. This must be a central if not subconscious premise that underpins the new Neptune Declaration on Seafarer Well Being and Crew Change. For if we do not treat our seafarers with dignity, fairness and access to core human…
Why the Maritime Industry Struggles when it comes to Tech Adoption
Dear Editor, Firstly, I call this the “Maritime Innovation & Adoption Conundrum”. A huge gulf between Tech on one side and the Industry on the other side, is preventing innovative development and its adoption. I generalise the causes into: Skills Issues: On one side: Multi-disciplinary and wholesome skills are rare…
Subsea 7 today announced the award of a 50 million to 150 million USD contract by Equinor for the Northern Lights project. Subsea 7’s scope includes engineering, fabrication and installation of…
AAL Shipping is seeing a jump in container cargo enquiries, according to their Managing Director, Kyriacos Panayides. As per their LinkedIn page, AAL’s young fleet of multiple classes of heavy-lift MPVs are all fully container fitted and suitable to handle every container…
Jumbo Ships 1435t Shiploader from Vietnam to Vancouver
Jumbo Shipping recently shipped a 1435t shiploader, measuring 135 x 25 x 43 metres, from Vietnam to Canada for the machine’s manufacturer Tenova. It took almost two years of engineering…
Rhenus Logistics have announced the rebranding of their recent acquisitions in Canada, United States and Brazil 2018 and 2019. As of January 2021, Rodair, Freight Logistics International and Pirâmide SeaAir…
Barrus Projects Complete Oversized Transport to Russia
Barrus Projects have completed the second stage transportation of oversized cargo including high-pressure steam generation units for the new Maleic Anhydride (MAN) plant in Tobolsk on behalf of SIBUR. The…
Breakbulk News & Media B.V.
http://breakbulk.news Breakbulk.News is an independent global media channel that keeps you informed of the latest news, industry updates and analysis in the Breakbulk, Heavylift, Project Freight and Logistics industry. We are committed to opening up the industry by Bringing Breakbulk Together. Uncovering your news, industry updates and market analysis, piece by piece. Breakbulk.News is powered by Breakbulk News & Media B.V. and is based in The Netherlands.