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Ørsted’s Gode Wind 1 Wind Farm Hit by Cargo Ship Collision: Investigation Underway

Gode Wind 1 is a wind farm located in the North Sea, off the coast of Germany. It is owned and operated by Ørsted, a Danish renewable energy company that specializes in offshore wind energy.

On the morning of April 26th, 2023, a cargo ship collided with one of the wind turbines at Gode Wind 1. The collision caused significant damage to both the ship and the turbine, and Ørsted has launched an investigation into the incident.

The cargo ship, named MV Leonie P, was traveling from the port of Rotterdam to the port of Gothenburg when the collision occurred. It is unclear at this time what caused the ship to veer off course and collide with the turbine.

Ørsted has stated that there were no injuries as a result of the collision and that the company is working closely with the relevant authorities to investigate the incident.

The damage to the wind turbine is significant, and it is unclear how long it will take to repair. The turbine is one of 72 turbines at the Gode Wind 1 wind farm, which has a total capacity of 330 MW.

In response to the incident, Ørsted has temporarily shut down the affected turbine and is conducting a thorough inspection of the other turbines at the wind farm to ensure their safety.

It is not yet clear what impact this incident will have on the operations of the Gode Wind 1 wind farm or Ørsted’s overall renewable energy production. However, the incident highlights the importance of safety measures in the renewable energy industry, especially in offshore wind farms.

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