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Bulker Collides with Container Ship and Ro-Pax Ship in Marmara Sea

In a recent maritime incident that sent shockwaves through the industry, two separate collisions occurred in the Marmara Sea, involving a bulk carrier, a container ship, and a ro-pax vessel. The dramatic events were captured on video and have left authorities and maritime experts puzzled.

NEW LEGEND vs. ELBSUN: Bulk Carrier Strikes Anchored Container Ship

Early on the morning of September 17, 2023, the bulk carrier NEW LEGEND found itself in a precarious situation as it struck the stern of the anchored container ship ELBSUN at Ahirkapi anchorage in Istanbul, Marmara Sea. The incident unfolded while the NEW LEGEND was maneuvering to anchor. Both vessels sustained significant damages and have remained anchored since the collision, as of 1200 UTC on the same day.

The NEW LEGEND had arrived from the Kerch Strait anchorage in Russia, while the ELBSUN had arrived at Ahirkapi anchorage on September 16 from Morocco. The collision has raised questions about the navigational procedures and communication protocols in the busy Marmara Sea.


PATRIA SEAWAYS vs. YASA PIONEER: Ro-Pax Ship Collides with Bulk Carrier

In another incident that occurred in the Marmara Sea, the passenger ro-ro ship PATRIA SEAWAYS collided with the bulk carrier YASA PIONEER some 6 nautical miles south of Yasa Island in the early hours of September 17, 2023, according to the ships’ tracks. The PATRIA SEAWAYS was underway, shortly after leaving Tuzla and was bound for Trieste. Notably, the vessel was understood to be undergoing repairs at the time of the collision.

Both vessels were subsequently taken to Ahirkapi anchorage, where they remained anchored as of 1200 UTC on September 17. The collision resulted in damage to the PATRIA SEAWAYS’ portside superstructure, while the YASA PIONEER sustained a significant hull dent, possibly even a breach, in the cargo holds area.

The incidents involving the NEW LEGEND, ELBSUN, PATRIA SEAWAYS, and YASA PIONEER have prompted investigations into the causes of these collisions. Maritime authorities are closely examining the circumstances surrounding these accidents to prevent similar incidents in the future.

In the wake of these dramatic collisions, the maritime community is left pondering the challenges and risks that come with navigating the bustling Marmara Sea.

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