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Trans Global Projects (TGP) Sets Sail with Wind Power Cargo!

Trans Global Projects (TGP) has recently made waves in the maritime industry with its latest endeavor in wind power transportation. The company has embarked on a significant project, transporting 24 complete sets of windmills from China to Vietnam, marking a milestone in sustainable energy logistics.

Wind Power Voyage: From China to Vietnam

In a strategic move, TGP has successfully loaded the first six sets of windmills onto two chartered vessels. The journey began with the chartering of the MV Yu Zhou Shi Jia, an open deck carrier, for the transportation of blades from the port of Lianyungang to Vinh Hung port in Vietnam. This marks the maiden voyage of MV Yu Zhou Shi Jia, adding a layer of significance to the operation.

Following suit, Swire Projects’ MV Pacific Excellence, a vessel of F-240 type, was enlisted to carry the corresponding nacelles, hubs, generators, and tower sections to Vietnam. The loading process occurred across two ports, Lianyungang and Tianjin, ensuring the efficient transfer of the cargo.

Logistics Challenges and Solutions

The operation faced challenges due to the current Red Sea factor, which limited the availability of larger MPP (Multi-Purpose Project) vessels in the Far East. However, TGP swiftly navigated through this obstacle by chartering suitable vessels for the task, showcasing its adeptness in adapting to industry dynamics.

Impressive Figures and Olympic-Sized Comparisons

The scale of the shipment is indeed noteworthy, with blade lengths reaching 76 meters and the heaviest items being the generators, weighing 87 tonnes each. The combined volume of the cargo across both vessels amounted to a staggering 35,588 cubic meters. To put this into perspective, for the statistically inclined, this volume equals 14.2352 Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Looking Ahead

With the successful loading of the initial sets, TGP is poised to continue its endeavor, with 42 more sets awaiting shipment. The company’s commitment to efficient, safe, and sustainable transportation of wind power components underscores its position as a leader in the field.

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